Fortress Mountain

But you're not sure, are you Clarissa? How can you be sure of anything anymore? Right could be left, up could be down, there's no knowing, not in a world where the high-five is no longer a universal symbol of awesome.

Quirking an eyebrow in confusion, Day nonetheless raises his own hand and awkwardly high fives Clarissa, thus restoring the balance of all things. "Oh-kay." This 'high-five' thing is pretty weird and kinda stupid if you ask him. Slapping somebody's for when you don't approve. "Can this console do anything else?" Also, who cares when there's potential SCIENCE! to discover!

And I've decided I'll blame Day's knowledge of callsign on Icarus. Haven't played him as much as I should, but he seems the type to train his soldiers in callsign simply because soldiers are supposed to know callsign.