Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
You are fortunate, then. Since you sprung the Dimoniti trap, I will now exact my promised revenge upon the blackguard. He knows what is coming.

I play this game, though I am of mediocre skill and cowardly style. Do you play?

No, I had thought, from overhearing previous conversations between you and the minx Mynxae, that you played. My mistake. I was going to ask you for a match.
Many wunderful hugs and fun times?

I do indeed, and challenge you to a game at... Some point in the future. I think I can make it tomorrow. You ever in the chat channel thingey? Or the thread in Gaming?
(Even though it has since been clarified, he only has sc1. i do hope to face myx pr you sometime. I'm a bad player, the people in the online group/thread are all better than me, and blah. )

Quote Originally Posted by Mynxae View Post
I have Starcraft II A little rusty though. Past few games I've played have been essentially.. Zergling rush. If that doesn't work, roach rush. If even that doesn't work, Muta rush.

Otherwise I usually do MMM as Terran or fun strategies with Protoss. :3

Maybe I could get Ele Starcraft II for Christmas.. Hmm..
Zerg rush. Erg rush. ZERG RUUUUUUUUUUUUSH. /zergs

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post

And the ability to turn others into sheep via your bite, no?
Oh, if only, my friend. The life of a corrupted ovine, it is a lonely one. *intellectual pose and thoughtfullness*
Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
Soo, does anyone know what did happen to the forum? I can't find any explanations, or remember any prior announcements. But then again, I'm also at a mild sort of physical breakdown due to exhaustion, so I may have missed a really big obvious post up here entirely.
I hugged the girl, who is a friend of mine. As I normally kiss my family members after giving them a hug, I instinctually kissed her cheek quickly before I remembered who she was in relation to me, and apologized profusely. She seemed pretty cool with it, she didn't even react. The new stokings were just 'cause my mum bought them for me.

Frankly, I'm more concerned about the fact I did so in full view of everyone else in the school, considering that everyone already seems to think I'm a bit iffy.

You're in a state of European fungus?

ION: ehrmegerd eygypt makes me so happy and friend was aweosme and brother was cool and imperial march of star wars palyed on heavy metal/classical instruments an im so tired I can't even bother going back to correct dumb mistakes.
Also, explained, Rawhide made forums go fixedy. Now there no search and we missed
Ike, 4 forumdays. But like. Rawhide feeels accomplsiheeeeeed. That good. He doesnt be mean when he accomplisheeed.

Mooni es frenchie cheese eating surrender cheekisser! Rightfully embarassed by her foreign customs and ideals of EVIL!

Whats that? i'm a fun guy? i agree.

Imperial march metalized is good.

ION:goddamnit Supernatural, I dont wanna laugh at yoooou. i just got over yooooopu.