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Thread: PTA: Wuhtu (IC)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: PTA: Wuhtu (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Situation View Post
    Wiping the ectoplasmic slime off of his face, Nikolas returns Loki's enthusiasm with a smile of his own. "Well, you're certainly happy to be out of your Poke Ball. Maybe I should let you out a little more often," he teases. Upon hearing the chirping, Nikolas releases both Orobas and Praelia and points them at the noise. "I hear a lot of noises over there, I think we should go check it out in case someone is hurt." It was strange to think that only a few days ago he would have ignored the noises and gone about his way. Was this the influence of Pokemon on him. Wearing a very small smile he adds, "Let's go see what it is, shall we?"
    Your Pokemon nod in assent, and you're on your way. As you draw nearer, the chirping gets at once louder and more...melodic? It's a strange melody for sure, but something tells you it is indeed a song.

    Eventually, you come across the source of the chirping music. Five cricket-like pokemon, three smaller and two larger, are standing around in a circle. It looks like the older ones are teaching the younger ones. They notice you, but don't react in any way.

    Map! If you wish to engage them in any way. (The Ks are the Kricketots, the Rs are the Kricketunes.)
    Last edited by HZ514; 2012-10-07 at 03:01 AM.