Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
Conan the Grammarian

They are freaking annoying
They are like a big troll
but not as ugly and loud
When they speak, they still make my eyes roll

They are Conan the Grammarian
Cleaving ordinary conversation
with their axes of grammar-ation
They pillage the village of words
and punctuate them with spears

Sure, the guys who like to correct peoples spelling
are pretty cool
I can't understand a thing the average internet idiot says
in such a cesspool.

But isn't the grammar thing going a little too far?
trying to fit all the words in the world
into a little correct jar?

I'm just really tired of barbarian pedantry
I'd just like all my little words flying
with my nouns, verbs, and prepositions soaring free.
Why chain them all up
in some weird arcane order for everyone to see?

I don't understand you Conan the Grammarian
I like my words free and flowing
Maybe I'm just a tasteless barbarian
Thats all now, I gotta get going.
When'd you write that? (fantasy genre tie-in <3)


I have a request - got any short pieces of queer fiction you'd recommend? I've seen a few on these threads - like that heartbreaking one about the kid who'd chosen to erase their trans-ID with a brain surgery.