Quote Originally Posted by Bad Situation View Post
Satisfied with a job well done, Praelia lets the Slakoth fall to the ground in defeat before turning toward the apes that Orobas failed to down. Feeling merciful, she dashes in low and goes for a simple jab against the one of the remaining Pokemon rather than going all out.

Shift to G6 and use Pound (Normal)~! on S2
Accuracy Check: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Unable to attack, Orobas instead bides his time and gathers the energy needed for another burst of energy while Loki does...something.

Usefulness?: [roll2]
Praelia is once again able to knock her foe out in a single blow. Loki continues to meander through the air while the two remaining Slakoths do...absolutely nothing.

In your dreams, you're riding a robot unicorn across some rainbows. It's fun.