Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
Had a super dysphoric weekend - went out with my GF to the rocks markets and saw heaps of cool clothes, then got painfully self-conscious of how far I had to go and got super depressed. Could barely tolerate thinking about myself, let alone looking in the mirror. Spent most of last night crying to myself

Today went better - had a bit of a talk with my GF where she felt it was like she had to choose between me or her family (who won't be understanding for the most part) which was kind of good and yet pretty tough to hear.
Still, things are going a bit better between us. Not 100% yet and won't be for some time, but better than they were.
Sounds rough. I'm sorry.

On a more positive note I crushed someone on ebay to win a pair of these bad boys, and found the website of one of the stalls I saw on the weekend.
Sweet. They don't even sell those anymore.