[Viridian Forest]

The trees stretch out in every direction swaying and creaking in the wind. Insects drone in innumerable swarms, filling the air with the buzz of membranous wings. Hidden away in the canopy or the tick weeds that choke the forest floor the multifaceted eyes observe and watch and wait. Clacks of mandibles, the babble of the streams, the groaning of the trees, the scraping of branches.

It gives the whole place an eerie sort of heartbeat.

As though the whole forest is some vast, hungry creature waiting to devour anything that strays into it.

And lost in the midst of it are Becca and Glamdring.

The Eeeve's steps are measured and carefully chosen, his posture alert and his hackles raised. "There is something unnatural about this place, Master Becca," he practically hisses. "We should have traversed this forest by now."