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Thread: Are Ian and Tarquin the same?

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Are Ian and Tarquin the same?

    Quote Originally Posted by paladinofshojo View Post
    After their last argument , I'm beginning to think that both Tarquin and Ian are not so different afterall. Both are foreigners in a land that is not their own trying to impose their political views upon it. Both are also stubborn and believe that any other way of thinking besides their's is automatically wrong. And.....both are also fathers of respective protagonists.
    Trying to take over an entire continent and be a dictator who rules with an iron fist, and trying to topple an evil dictator to make him not oppress people are not "imposing their political views" in the same sense.
    Tarqin is imposing his political views on EVERYONE, Ian is imposing his political views on TARQIN.
    So no, they're not the same in any meaningful way.


    Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
    Because they are both old school characters. They don't have complex personalties, they just grab wealth and power.
    Ian got himself imprisoned by choice, how is that possibly a grab for wealth and power? He was gonna die in there if not for Haley.
    Last edited by Mastikator; 2012-10-09 at 01:36 AM.
    Black text is for sarcasm, also sincerity. You'll just have to read between the lines and infer from context like an animal