[The Bar]

Sandy led her out to the back of the shop, back with the dumpsters, empty boxes, and whatever else Soft saw fit to keep in the back of her shop. So probably empty pie tins, old shoes, fancy hats, and various sundries. He found a nice, comfortable spot for the two of them to sit down, and politely brushed it off with his tail; this might take a while.

Once they were comfy, he took a deep breath, and started; "Look, it's pretty clear this bugs you a lot. An' it's also not hard t'see none of th' rest of us quite see it like you do. An' in my experience, that means one or both of us ain't quite seein' th' full picture. How's about you tell me what's goin' on - this time without implyin' that I'm some sorta two-faced somethin' or other - then I tell you how I see things. Deal?" He knew he really shouldn't have included that little two-faced jab, but the way she so casually tossed those labels about really got under his skin.