Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
Apparently PETA believes that Pokemon encourages animal abuse and glorifies cruel treatment of animals. Here's a quote from the article.
"The way that Pokémon are stuffed into pokéballs is similar to how circuses chain elephants inside railroad cars and let them out only to perform confusing and often painful tricks that were taught using sharp steel-tipped bullhooks and electric shock prods"
Anyone else notice that when PETA puts out some kind of notice, they speak in really long run-on sentences? It's like they start out with one issue, and in the process of arguing it, get sidetracked by 3 other issues.

Why can they not juse some comma's to break up what they are saying at least? Are comma's now being mistreated too? Are commas being exploited "only to perform confusing and often painful tricks" of grammar?