Quote Originally Posted by Arcran View Post
Pitch gives the male a bit more food, not wanting to make it feel like it was getting less.

When the snakes are done eating, Pitch returns them to their balls, not trusting them on the level as the rest of his team. The rest of his team only had him; they only had each other. The snakes had each other, which made them dangerous. He'd need to find a way to either put him before each other or remove one from the equation.

As the night goes on, Pitch happily eats his stew, continuing to ask Carn about what to expect around Elrem, trying to see if his ally could get him any specific species of Pokemon.

"Carn, about your talking. How does that work? Were you born like that? Did it happen later? Or is it something that you're not going to share yet?" Pitch asks, putting it bluntly, gently stroking the unconscious Outlet. Thales is, once again, messing with the fire, shooting tiny streams in to mess with it. Pitch leaves him to his entertainment; if the Oshawott liked putting out fires, it would be very useful in a day or two when they met the Charmander. Shovel waddles over, claws outstretched. With a flick of his knife the trainer starts to clean the claws of his mole, digging out the dirt and grime from a day of very little work.
I feel silly referring to them by gender, so I'll start using the Ekans' names now. Oh, and Inigan's loyalty is at 2 while Dilos is at 1.

Dilos seems to genuinely appreciate your generosity. He might just warm up to you yet. Inigan seems to have already given you her full approval. They return to their Poke Balls contentedly enough.

Carn looks off into the distance as he answers your questions. "I suppose I was born this way, though I did not know it until later on in my life. Most pokemon never even try to learn your language, so perhaps the only real difference within me was the willingness to try. At any rate, I was able to learn. It was...difficult, but I succeeded." He looks at you for the first time since he started speaking. "Your kind's language is quite tricky." He starts to sharpen his blades. "Your language, on the other hand, I speak quite naturally."