Quote Originally Posted by Regalus View Post
Mia Hendrix
Mia sighed, letting the smile wash off her face for a moment once the champion of storms had left. It hadn't exactly been the most pleasant experience; but at least that had all been able to handle this civilly, even if she felt like that threat at the end wasn't her just shooting the breeze. "Oooh you bet'cha! Was half expectin' us to end up with a show-down there for a sec," she commented happily as she loosened her hoodie.

As the sirens started blaring in the distance she allowed herself a brief glance at their...she wasn't quite sure if captive was the right word, ward maybe?, and put a hand on his shoulder, "Come on now; you've been through a lot but it ain't over yet, you can thank us after we get ya somewhere safe," she said with a cheerful grin before turning to the others, "First things first, we need to get the hell out of here before someone comes by, and we need to get our new buddy here some place safer. Any ideas girls?" she asked the group, her own mind trying to think of some place they could go, before turning back to the man.

((OOC: 1 success on the wits+streetwise to think of a place to go/))
Erin Watson

"The abandoned house she mentioned," Erin said, pointing at Shirley, "sounds like our best bet so far."