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    Troll in the Playground
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    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Mynxae's Maliciously Magnificent Random Banter #183

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonCat View Post
    Mraugh. Colleges shouldn't judge me on my ability to complete busywork. But I know, I was just at the brink of homework-related despair yesterday.

    Yeah. That would also apply to my mom and my brother. But then again, they're both geniuses, so y'know.
    "I am SMART OLDER SIBLING. Be compared to my success, and never be able to compare! AND THEN FEEL AWKWARD WHEN PEOPLE COMPLIMENT YOU BECAUSE YOU KNOW *sibling* DID IT BETTER. BWHA-HA-HA.
    That's one reason I'm so irritated. They're sucking all the fun out of learning by making it such an arduous process. I can't remember the last time I seriously dove into a book and enjoyed it, becuase I'm either too busy for books I choose myself, or I'm too busy tryign to find al the significance in the umpteenth alleegory reference for any book I'm reading at school!

    Oh, ohhhh. Is this where I have a comparable rant on the liquidization and condensation of valued literature into nibblechunks of indigestable blabber lacking any form of the original poetic touch, with half the words shortened or removed so that a second grader with a dictionary can get through it in three minutes! (And do not. Get. Me. STARTED. On 'vocab' studies. It's not complicated!)
    ION: Tired.Homework. Essay due tomorrow I havne't started yet. Additional thing aobut the 6 Mistakes of Man. Have to go to a homecoming assembly tomorrow, entailing lots of stomping and bad pop music. What was wrong with hiring a Sophist to lecture for hours until you have become fully educated?
    Essay on? I feel shame on not recognizing The Six Mistakes, I should get to reiterating my literacy this week. HomeComing is OBLIGITORY for you, though? Some portions of Homecoming rallies are undoubtably terrible, but if they do a reasonable good skit (which I doubt, if you're a theatre person and yo don't know about anything) you can get a good laugh. But is skipping not an option?

    Busywork is the bane of my existance, my GPA, soul, ability to maintain focus in class, and a constant aggravant. ET ES BADO.
    Last edited by Mutant Sheep; 2012-10-10 at 05:21 PM.
    Can only thank GitP for being so good for so long.
    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    If it helps, think of me as the Agent from Serenity. Just not that good a fighter. Also, I have a mustache.
    Quote Originally Posted by kpenguin View Post
    I'm probably hilarious far off, aren't I?
    Quote Originally Posted by Telonius View Post
    This is not... the greatest story Tolkien ever wrote. No... This is just a tribute.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracon1us View Post
    don't feed the troll...

    A pile of thanks piled on other thanks to Teddy for photorealistic avatar.