[Harnel's School and Tournament Grounds]

A peculiar old man in a red military jacket comes along hopping from heel to heel. He's peculiar because he has a large hare feet sticking out of the legs of his breeches, a pair of large buck teeth under a fuzzy old grey mustache, and long hares ears coming out of the top of his head. at his belt is a fencing foil and under his arm is a fencers mask with appropriate holes for his ears.

He's followed by a younger, stocky woman who's also peculiar, but in that her bushy hair covers her eyes and her hands and feet are large mole claws.

The hare man signs up while talking jovially to the mole woman. "I'll expect a strong cheering section, Maggie dear."

"Aye, aye, Thel. You'm can count on oi." she says dismissively.

"I'm serious now. After the first few rounds they'll all be cheering my name, but before that you're all I've got," he says, tapping her nose with a gloved finger.

"Oh go on, yee gurt baggurt."

"See you in the stands dear," he says as they go their separate ways.