I like how we know of all these magnificent better options that are never exposed in universe(yes, SWLiHN offered to switch: but either she offered only at the end, and thus is untrustworthy, or they cannot be sure she won't switch sides again).

Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
And from another angle, an argument can be made that few if any primordials have free will in a meaningful sense of the word, and so can't be held morally accountable for their actions in the same way because as written they are incapable of understanding that, for example, melting a few million people in acid might be considered a bad thing.
If they cannot be held accountable for their actions, then there's a strong argument that it doesn't matter what you do to them.

Also, one thing: Theion was the Holy Tyrant, seizing by force his place from another. So, he set the precedent.

Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
But I can blame them for what they did to the survivors when there were other options. I can recognize that what the yozis need is to undergo reparative therapy, and that they should not under any circumstances be released without it. But I can empathize with them, and believe they should be released if those circumstances can be met.
What options?