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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXVIII: Featuring Mumble, The Giant Halibut

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Yes. Yes you are.
    Related; HOW.
    (I assume a PD to take advantage of all your free AD?)
    Well, actually, I considered switching to Zerg Greaves, but nipped that idiocy in the bud. My build was Treads (ton of CC on the other team), Thornmail, Force of Nature, Warmog's, Randuin's Omen, Sunfire Cape.

    I also had red and blue (which reminds me, I should try AP Rammus), for reasons I will explain shortly.

    You see, my team was a bit special. We had Garen, Wukong, Malzahar, myself and Graves. Not bad, right?

    Graves/Garen top, Malzahar/Rammus bot, Wukong mid.

    Malzahar didn't want mid. He also didn't want buffs, as they artificially inflate your stats with little effort, like runes and masteries, but unlike items.

    Yes, he considers runes, buffs and masteries cheating. He doesn't mind other people using them, but will never do so himself. That's how I got blue.

    Our second most kill-happy character was Graves, who went 4/9/4. I went 19/3/9.

    Also, we lost. I called for the other lanes to come help when the entire enemy team was flailing away at our inhibitor/nexus turrets/actual nexus, but they left it to me because they wanted to farm in their lanes. Then they raged at me for failing to deal with the situation because a 4150 HP tank has no right to die, 1v5 or no.

    I have the most amazing luck.

    One thing I took away from there, though. With a bit of competence, Schmalzahar/Rammus is weird but potentially effective. I think.

    Edit: Also, I was informed by Garen after the match that he was reporting me for intentional feeding, because there is absolutely no other explanation for a tank dying. Ho hum.
    Last edited by Cogwheel; 2012-10-10 at 11:41 PM.

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