Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
Horne stops in place, and a tendril about to grab Zaros also freezes. He looks at Flare like she just mentioned that she was made of onions. "...We are trying to kill eachother. Obviously."[/COLOR]
"I'm not," said Night Jewel.

"Hmm. You surface-dwellers have such strange standards."

Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360
Zaros, for his part, just stood still and took the knives, a majority of them sinking into chinks due to Blades' superior marksmanship. If the chinks were anywhere near vital areas, he would be dead in an instant. But anypony with sufficient eyesight could see that on at least a few of the strikes he moved so that they hit him a little more softly than normal, where he clearly could have dodged entirely. It's almost like he wants to be hit.

"Trying is the operative word. I am willing to allow the smith to batter away until no weapon of hers remains, but your magic will not affect me with even a half-second to spare. Release your hold; the mare has a quarrel with me, not-"
"Me, run out of weapons? Haven't got a lot of faith, have ya!" Blades took out a rather large steel spike next, dipped it in a nearby magma pool, then drew her hammer...

Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360
[COLOR="red"]"Oh, shut up. If it answers your question, imprisoned one, I am presently about to commence with the slaughtering of an admitted slaver and mass murderer. It will hardly take ten seconds, give or take a few extra moments of screaminggggAAAAHHHHH!"

Zaros casually checks his hoof while Horne starts spazzing out and hits the floor. "Your methods are indeed effective."
...and was distracted.

"Arvadraa!" she cried, dropping the red-hot spike and darting to the fallen pony's side. "Bang it, Horne, if ya don't stop doin' this, when ya're gettin' taken out, ya'll be goin' back dead!"

Funny how the assistant of a mass murderer has the nerve to call someone else that, thought Night Jewel.

Flare flicked her tail. "Will that be all? I don't particularly care for such interruptions."