Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
Sorry for the delay. I have read both chapters. I'm afraid I don't have much to say about them. I enjoyed them, saw no real errors. Only one thing I think I should mention:
I noted in chapter 7 that the Princesses that they got 3 wishes each, but only ever used two. While I'm sure that will be a plot point later on, it does kind of feel like you just... forgot to mention them. Maybe have Dash question it?

Nice! Who is this new pony?

3D pony models, by Hashbro. These look amazing.

And turned into a real figurine, using 3D printing:

And a beautiful Celestia picture, because there's always room for beautiful Celestia pictures in any image dump.
Sera the seraphim pony. Just... going to assume she's one of Celestia's hoofmaidens, and she always hangs out in some sort of cloud mansion. Or something. ^_^''