Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
The mere description of your ring evokes images of unrivalled colour into my mind. Truly, you are fortunate to have such an object in your possession.
I shall have to read up on garnets once more as it has been several years since I last absorbed knowledge concerning them.
Here are some pictures of it:

The photography does not capture the opal's fire very well, which is green, orange, blue, and a few flakes of purple. Opals are another of my favourite stones.

All this talk of folks' favourite gems is pleasing me. In regards to pigeon's blood rubies, I have been very curious about the source of the name before myself: this article is as good as any in explaining that nobody really knows why the Burmese rubies that are highly saturated red with violet overtones are called that [about 3/4 down].

In regards to your other post, *hugs* & are you feeling any better today? If there is one thing I understand well, it is the need to be alone in a quiet place.

Quote Originally Posted by Rawhide View Post
Yup, there was, and it was awesome.

Joss Whedon had always want to produce a musical, and when he knew he had such a musical cast (Anthony Stewart Head was in a band as well as a West End production of The Rocky Horror Show (they even released him singing Sweet Transvestite as a single), James Marsters has played solo and in a band, Amber Benson didn't have such a musical background but happened to be quite good), he knew he just had to make a musical episode for Buffy. He was adamant though, that it can't be a once off standalone kind of thing, it must have a lasting impact on the plot (and that it did).
Mr. Head's rendition of Sweet Transvestite is so sexy. In fact he is so sexy. I would bite Mr. Head everywhere.

That was a great episode

Quote Originally Posted by araveugnitsuga View Post
Just point the nozzle away from it and it'll be fine.

I'm most definitely finetastic. Myxolidiously perfect in terms of Doric modality as much as a Russian Minor on Greek modality. Minictastically ectastic with a flare of refenestration of the highest order due to the conflagration of my confabulations. It is a clarity of the upmost hypernormality which I experience through which I can say that I indeed are not loopy or my head is at all fruity.

*then steps away carefully, as from an overturned jug of nitroglycerin*

Quote Originally Posted by araveugnitsuga View Post
This sounds rather interesting, I must watch this. -Goes off to search for "Once More, With Feeling"-

Is it even safe to eat normal snow?
Do not listen to Dimonite! It is a perilous endeavour. Travellers who get lost in winter without food eat snow to staunch their hunger, but it drives them mad and they become the Wendigo: the wandering insane man-eater. That's science.