Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
@ Astrella - that's a really nice colour
Thank you~ Purple is my favourite colour.

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
I think (hope) my first response would be "Okay. What do you need?"

What would your (all the varieties of "your" there is) ideal response to a coming-out be?
Hmm. I'm not really sure. Cause in the ideal case sexuality and gender as such would be something that isn't stigmatized, so coming out would be a way less big of a deal? Like, one of the big stressy parts is that you don't know how people would react but in a more accepting society that whole worry would be a lot less too.


Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
Well, "women's issues" are important to me, but I always try to remember that not all women experience every "woman issue" and not all "woman issues" only affect women. Like a lot of things, it's a world of shades of grey and "most" and "statistically" and "almost all". Specifically, menstruation, pregnancy, etc, are very important topics to me, and they're feminist issues because they are overwhelmingly divided along gender lines, but even just restricting ourselves to cis people, not all cis women menstruate or can get pregnant. Besides, who wants to restrict themselves just to cis people?
The thing is also, reproductive rights don't only affect cis women either. Stuff like how trans people are still forced to get sterilized if they want gender recognition in a lot of places (Belgium sadly being among those) falls under reproductive rights too. Here's an interesting read on it.

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
With how endemic it is to the thread to have people injuring themselves from shaving with no knowledge base, I have to wonder whether a disclaimer to remind people not to jump in head first into body modification without first making sure they've learned enough to do it safely is in order.
I don't know. Like, I shaved (my face) on Monday for my psych appointment and then when I tried to shave again Wednesday it hurt a lot, even though I was using a razor I had only used once before, used shaving cream and applied an anti-irritation thingie afterwards. It's just, shaving just seems to hurt a ton no matter what I do, which makes the whole deal so much worse. :/

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
...dammit. I don't think I pass as well as I thought I did. I'm starting to get the impression that everyone I've talked to for any length of time has worked out I'm a guy. Sure, they're fine with it - I've not had any trouble from it - but it's kinda depressing.
Mrr, what makes you get that impression? Ugh...hmm, maybe try asking one of them in an appropriate context? :<