Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
They were rushed (most likely by EA.) No one is denying that, certainly not me. And they can and should have pushed back harder. I don't think anyone is blameless over there.

But honestly, you had all the information you needed to make the right conclusions. People shouldn't need a bunch of extra exposition to know that they can't yell at the hologram and stamp their foot loud enough to get their way; it was pretty obvious based on the context of the situation.
Your powerlessness in that situation isn't in doubt, or in question. The choices and the information that is thrown at you are what I take issue with. They come right out of left field and attempt to contradict what we've seen and learned throughout the series. Synthetics will always attempt to kill organics? That is an assumption from the first game (and the genre in general) that was actually thrown right out the window when Tali explained how the Morning War started in the first place. If there's one thing that Bioware is good at, it's taking cliches and tropes and turning them on their heads-making it clear that things aren't so cut and dry. The Geth are going to kill us all!-Oh wait, they only wanted to stay alive. The Genophage is genocide!-Oh wait, the Salarians were actually trying to keep the Krogan from extinction.-But what about the emotional and social ramifications?...You see what I mean? We were shown that nothing is black and white. Nothing is cut and dry. And yet suddenly it becomes cut and dry and black and white all because Bioware got miffed about the big surprise getting spoiled. BTW, I never even knew about the leaked ending until this whole debacle, so I feel like I was cheated twice.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter (again). I'd prefer that we didn't start this debate all over again, if you don't mind.

I soloed with a VS (only bronze - it was very late at that point and I wasn't up to the gymnastics the higher difficulties would require of my fingers.) I agree, the regen they get is unreal, aallowing you to tank multiple Cannibals or even a Ravager if you have full stacks.

But my question is - why do only Vorcha get it? I thought Krogan were supposed to be able to heal like crazy too. I know Vorcha regen is much faster, but I would have been okay with a slower one on the Krogan to go with their durability. And yes, for that matter Geth should be able to self-repair too, though the healy-turret does a fair job of approximating that.
Good point about the Krogan. But an ability like that would make them nigh invincible, even on Gold or platinum, when combined with what they have already. Although, they're suppose to be tanks anyway, and there's no reason that role should change on higher difficulties.