Quote Originally Posted by Bad Situation View Post
Frowning at the young Pokemon's troubled life, Nikolas reaches over to give it a good rub on the head. "Then I guess you're just like me then, aren't you?" he asks with a sad smile. "What about its parents? Didn't they...you know...love him...?" Wasn't a family supposed to keep their own safe and happy? He couldn't say much, given his own lack of experience, but he had always thought of himself as the exception to the rule. If that wasn't the case...

Looking down compassionately at the Trapinch, he pushes more food toward the growing Pokemon. "Well if nobody else wants you then I guess we'll just have to be your family."
Praelia shakes her head solemnly when you ask about Ten's parents loving him. "He would have been a pariah in every way."

Ten eagerly eats the additional food you provide him. As he does, he snaps his large jaws happily in gratitude. "Pinch!"