Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
A) Firstly, I presented an alternate view of the situation, it doesn't need to be obvious to be possible >.> In answer, Because Jillian was making note of the high probability that Haffaton was too poor to afford the Archons. This means either that the Archons charge too much, or that Haffaton is very poor. Jillian was probably making note of the latter, since it is reinforced by what she's seen of Haffaton and the former is less important to the war.

B) The Archons worship Charlie unconditionally, and she was important enough to try to negotiate a buying price from Haffaton. He knows.
A) Noted. But Jillian specifically notes both, in a highly derogatory and flippant way.

Quote Originally Posted by Jillian
“They’re too poor! And you guys charge way too much.”
B) I guess. I think my point is mostly that if Jillian had played it a little more diplomatically, she could have avoided pissing them off.