Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
With how endemic it is to the thread to have people injuring themselves from shaving with no knowledge base, I have to wonder whether a disclaimer to remind people not to jump in head first into body modification without first making sure they've learned enough to do it safely is in order.
The standard response is "I'm busy and have a lot of threads to go through, so I just skim." I believe last time was in thread 21, and before that a nod in thread 18. And for some people, that's reasonably insiders far enough on the past not to go in for.

Also, from experience, do you know how hard it is to find help for this ****? I do. The usual responses for asking about shaving are "just shave, you'll be fine" and "look online". Except the Internet is the same place that tells you you can't get pregnant your first time or if you're on top because gravity. It's all about perpetuating homogenous data. Did you know thick hair needs to be treated differently than thin hair? That curly hair, wavy hair, straight hair and severely curly hair all need to be cut differently? That people don't respond well to having to fill out a hair survey when asking for 'simple' advice? The information isn't really out there. It doesn't cost you anything to perpetuate what you know, but saying "geeze, go look for it online" does cost some hassle. Remember, this thread is online. And it's easier to ask people than read an index. I can trust people.

That came out more forceful than intended >.>

Quote Originally Posted by Mystic Muse View Post

What kind of thing were you hoping for?
Generically, it was for the sake of the joke. But I'm always interested in what people get from avatars. In this case, it's a creature which lives through mimicry based on a character who strives for femininity and beauty. That's got to come off as a little Freudian, if not intentional.

Although my thoughts were "wow that's gorgeous, I want that as an avatar." and nothin more. >_<

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
...dammit. I don't think I pass as well as I thought I did. I'm starting to get the impression that everyone I've talked to for any length of time has worked out I'm a guy. Sure, they're fine with it - I've not had any trouble from it - but it's kinda depressing.
Body language? It's a subtle thing really, but hard to shake. I've been practicing, and people just assume I'm a gay man, or making fun of gay men. Which I suppose means it's working <_<

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
She'd be hot if it weren't for the holes. xD
That almost hue my feelings! And then I remember I don't look like that. ^_^

Quote Originally Posted by Celtic_D&Der View Post
I wouldn't be able to help myself. She is gorgeous.......of course I am a sucker for a redhead
Curious enough for a google search. Wow. I kept looking at her breasts not because breasts but because of the size disparity. It's like the eye naturally seeking the foreground. I must say, it's a curious feeling being actually unable not to look at someone's breasts. Academically chagrinned, I am.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
(tried to dye her hair red last week)
Oh? Story?

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
Feeling a bit better now. I went over to see a friend for hugs, cookies, and long conversation. She pointed out something that I feel a bit silly for not realising myself - just because someone looks at me and ticks the mental box on my record saying "trans", doesn't mean they don't file me under "female" anyway.
Yes! There was actually one of those Natalie blogs about that that made sense to me. First impressions; a trans girl is still filed under "girl". For most people it's easier than dealing with androgyny.

Oh! Androgyny. That reminds me. There was this totally gorgeous Asian guy in Starbucks a few days back I was trying not to check out. She had a really pretty voice, and some tasteful jewelry. I still mentally don't have a gender file for her, even after finding out my original guess of male was incorrect.

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
*looks up picture of Christina Hendricks*

...hmm, pretty face. Chest falls firmly under my "anything more than a handful is a waste" policy, but that's hardly her fault.

...wait, she played Saffron? I don't remember Saffron being so spectacularly endowed.
Honestly? She would be fun to sleep on. It's comforting more than sexy. For sexy, aye, that's a good policy. I'm tickled to hear someone else say it, too~

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
So, a friend of mine has been having some conflicting feelings. They've realized that a good amount of their attraction towards women isn't sexual, but rather envious. And it's confusing to them. They say they don't like being a guy in particular, but it's more of a thing they're used to. They hate growing up like this and then looking at a girl and going "oh that must be nice, living like that." It's driving them nuts though and they don't know what to do and wanted to get some advice from the thread.
Well, I ended up here, and coming out as a woman (though it's still hard to say, even here). Who knows, though? My best advice would be relax, sit back, enjoy the ride (academically, this sort of puzzle is the most fun!) and above all don't judge yourself. Be who and what you want, even if you can't decide what that is, or can't stay consistent. Life is change, after all.