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Thread: [PitP] Ponythread: The Roleplaying

  1. - Top - End - #117
    Ogre in the Playground
    Tectonic Robot's Avatar

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    Sep 2011
    The States

    Default Re: [PitP] Ponythread: The Roleplaying

    In a quiet little glade, where the tremors of impending doom can only be barely felt, where mad scientists and their duels with insane cultists is not heard, where cute little fillies learning to sculpt dirt is out of sight, a pony finishes sending another little village off into a different land.

    The navy colt lets out a tired sigh, and puts his head in his hooves, massaging his temples. "Alright, so... that leaves two more villages in this forest, and then I'm calling it a night. Sera, are you cool with that? ...Sera?" He looks about, eyes blinking rapidly as blood suddenly rushes to his head, putting a hoof over his eyes as he looks for his erstwhile companion...

    ...And sees a tiny, fluffy white bunny giving a rather intimate backrub to another bunny, cooing softly and apparently making her friend very happy. "Sera, are you... are you flirting with the bunnies? I mean, just... just... come on, have things we need to do, chop chop, stop... stop doing that." The rabbit looks up at him with clear yellow and eyes, and morosely steps away from her new friend, changing with a shimmer into a six-winged pegasus mare. "Aww, come on, Candles! You're always so freaked out and twitchy and in a hurry. Maybe a massage would do you some good~" The colt harrumphs quietly and fixes his hat, taking off at a brisk pace down the forest path. "Maybe later, when there aren't a hundred more ponies to get out of here. I'm just glad we've been flying under the radar of all those crazies for now..."
    Last edited by Tectonic Robot; 2012-10-12 at 03:36 PM.