Quote Originally Posted by aethernox View Post
Is that his leash-less video clear time or I'm-in-an-actual-game-and-have-help clear time?
That's the leash-less one in his S2 Jungle Skarner video.


Anyway, after running a few tests on Skarner, I've noticed a few things:

1.People running the 'normal' path that hits mini golems after wraiths would be taking too much damage from that camp, and think Skarner's sustain is bad because of it. Skarner shouldn't use that path. He should be going back to wolves instead, since his damage is almost entirely AoE.

2.Skarner *needs* cooperation on wolves and blue in order to take both camps without massive HP loss that he won't recover from during his clear without E.

So, if you're going back for wolves and getting cooperation at wolves and blue, you'll be fine with boots(read: MathMage at ~1800 Elo). If you're not, I can see why you're using regrowth, but there's room to improve.