S3 fragment in HD quality...

Hmm, I really like what you can actually see and what you hear is happening without riot in foreground :<

Also, a bit of clarification on my stance on fanon:

After rethinking, I don't really mind fanon changing/distorting series - as long as you're creative, it's all good. You want to write Luna history? Think future for ponies? Sure! Go for it. Sky is the limit. Sadly, some "fans" take it far beyond, by grabbing something directly contradicted by canon, usually by finding one or two ambiguous scraps of material to build fanon on, and instead of proposing change/addition to canon, they try to force change on others. Ram their interpretation down everyone's throats, even if what they built their "canon" on was misunderstanding/mistake/wishful thinking/had no place in series in the first place.

S2 was especially bad on this in second half - with 4 or 5 things that caused vocal minority to rise and between others behave literally worse than depths of 4chan. It was so bad two ships and three characters were pretty much soured to the large part of quiet majority (though not to the same degree). I just can't understand how supposed MLP fan can act like that, but then again, it's not like I haven't saw some examples of this even round these parts