Quote Originally Posted by Bad Situation View Post
"Orobas, no!" Nikolas heart almost wrenches itself out of his chest when the two wild Pokemon focus their fire on his small yellow companion but is instantly relieved when the cunning Psychic-type stands itself up from the assault. Grinning, Nikolas stands himself up from his kneeling position to withdraw his last Pokeball and calls on Ten once more, "C'mon Ten, don't let your senior show you up. Make us proud!"

In a synchronized moment, both Pokemon and trainer move in unison. The Pokeball flies from Nikolas' grip and lands with a heavy clunk against the first Girafarig while Ten slams into the other with a resounding thud.

Trainer Action: Throw Pokeball at G1
Capture Roll: [roll0]

Shift to G7 and use Faint Attack (Dark)~! on G4
Accuracy Check: [roll1] Cannot Miss
Damage: [roll2]
Your Pokeball bops the Girafarig upside the hide and engulfs it while Ten adds another notch to his belt, taking out his third wild pokemon in a row. As that Girafarig hits the ground with a thud, the Pokeball breaks open!

The freed Girafarig looks over and sees that his last friend has fallen and lets out a sad wail. It bows its head and starts chanting something to no one in particular.
