Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Won't that delete whatever progress I made too though? With all the "challenge" stuff.

If not, yeah I'll go for it.
It shouldn't. But are the challenges that important? Now that you know how to do them it takes an hour to max something out, tops.

I also played a match with a Volus adept; I was "AWWWW"-ing the entire time. Love their voices too. "{inhale.} Mission received." "{inhale} Losing pressure!" It was like charging into battle with a fat chain-smoker and I loved every second.
I love when you get a mission wave. "Payday!" "-kshk- Let's get paaaaid. -kshk-"

The adept is nuts. I'm pretty sure the best thing for your team is to grab the area, the DR and pump biotic orbs up for -60% cooldown, but I love the effect of 3 orbs dropping incremental debuffs on heavy targets. Often, the act of debugging a brute saps most of its health because each orb does incrementally more damage.

Stasis... I have yet to use stasis. It isn't a bubble because I benefit from the extra 38 HP, sue me. But it would be good for biotic explosions, especially with the evolution that increases damage done.

Quote Originally Posted by The_Final_Stand View Post
Things to take away: Mash the shield boost button. Stick together. Hide whenever possible (you are support, not the vanguard of their destruction). Learn how the melee works (light melee is a short cloak, heavy melee is a shield that does do some damage when you let go of the button, but I think it's mostly defensive, unlike the Geth burst).
The heavy Melee has a very long duration and can be held like the geth melee, but not pulsed. If you're up front, it's an effective anti husk tactic, and I've also been able to pin full-health marauders and pros in corners, pulsing away their health. They can't recover in time to attack you, but if anything else shoots you you're toast.

And yes, the purpose of the Volus is to boost their allies. They are probably why the Turkana were winning the space war.

Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf DW View Post
Wow, I actually managed to get the Volus engineer in my first Spectre pack of the day. Can't wait to take the little guy for a spin.
From a couple hours' run, recon mine is "better" with daughter damage. I've seen a volus rise up the charts dropping hugely powerful recon mines into enemies, an detonating the lot.

Myself, I prefer the blast radius increase and the invasive scan. Drop a regular proxy, and by the time it's set off whatever is in the scan is taking 45% more damage. Get a volus adept in their and even on platinum you're Melting chumps.

Not that I've gotten very far on platinum. Just far enough to know the collectors hurt.