Quote Originally Posted by Acromos View Post
Wow ... I just had what was without a doubt my best game ever. So much fun. And even the enemy team agreed, unanimously, that it was a very fun game.

I never knew Lulu could be so much fun. She has like a hundred tricks, and I think this was the first time I correctly used them all. I teamed with Karthus for much of the late game - it makes just a ton of difference. When he's just about to die, heal, bounce, shield, transmoglify the enemy carry ... and that's basically a team fight won.

Woo! =)
Lulu is absurdly fun. The whole 'thought you were winning? Polymorph and Wild Growth say no' thing is wonderful when you make it work right. It's part of why I love going on-hit bruiser Lulu, having damage means you can bait enemies alone rather than having to hope your team can take advantage of an enemy rushing in on you.