Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
Night Jewel glanced at Blades. "I'd actually say the ancient sealed mage seems relatively unlikely to go on a murderous rampage. Of course, if she does, she'll probably have the most spectacular one of any of us."

"Oh, I bear little ill will toward your world. Not unless I am abandoned again. There is much I have stopped caring about in my isolation, and vengeance is part of it. Besides, the ones who bound me are long since dead."
"Well, I didn't really have any objections to freeing you in the first place, so I'm glad you don't intend to burn everything."

"Though, if you don't mind, I would like to ask a favor of you, once you gain your freedom." Zaros says, walking over to retrieve his sword and nodding to Arvadraa.

"So do I." She starts gathering some more darkness, reforming Blades' entry black hole so the flung weapons can get re-infused with magic.

"By all means, you first." Zaros readies what one could probably describe as a batting stance.

"You see, apparently there's this huge dark army that plans to level...well...everything in their path, I think. Details are sketchy." Slowly but surely, the orb reforms.

"The usual conquer-the-world types. I find myself surprised that you, too, plan on stopping them."

"Not half as surprised as I am. Shouldn't you be working with them? Why do you want them stopped, too?"

Dawnstrider takes a step forward, funneling some of his energy into the blade, sword and armor both flashing a glorious golden as he smites the force field. Obviously it doesn't have an alignment, but he banks on the blow being magical nonetheless. "Because it is my duty."



"So...sounds like our options are retreat and have to engage two foes if we run into something, or stay and lose a ton of ammunition from where I stand. Neither sounds promising."