Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
Dark Sun Elves: Like everything in Dark Sun, they are more Desert Elves. With almost no forests, they are nomads always traveling through the wastes, which has made them into exceptionally long distance runners who can keep going for days. They trust and respect only the members of their clan and nobody else.
There's also the elves of Sylvandretta, up near the Last Sea. They live in massive trees of life, and respect only the purity of their bloodline.

Miyeritari (Forgotten Realms): Not much known about them except that they were pretty much like wood elves, but actually a kingdom of non-evil dark elves.
Don't forget the Lythari, who are wood elves who also happen to be CG werewolves, who only infect other elves, and then only when they choose to. I ran a campaign where the drow of Cormanthyr, stripped of their powers by life on the surface, were forcing lythari to turn the drow into lythari... so you had packs of dark werewolves enacting the Wild Hunt on everyone.

Those are the ones I am familiar with, but I would like to have more variety for elves in my games. Does anyone have any other variants of wood elves to add or has any new ideas for how to make alternative variations of them?
There's the grugach of Greyhawk, who are freakishly strong for their pale frailness, and tend to be far more reclusive than regular wood elves.

There's the Kagonesti of Dragonlance, who choose to live separated from their elven kin, reluctant to give up the old ways.