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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Selpharia's Avatar

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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: LGBTAitp 27: Of Shoes, and Ships, and Sealing Wax

    Quote Originally Posted by Absol197 View Post
    You know, I've never had a nickname before (my, uh, current name isn't very condusive to one), so it's kinda fun to be able to have one now, but if you could sort of...knock the second syllable off that, I'd appreciate it. IT violates both of my rules of nicknames (Hint - Rule #1 is: The nickname must be shorter than the real name; I'll let you figure out Rule #2 ).
    Oh, sorry, I'll call you Phee from now on. It was a bit of obscure avatar humor anyway. My avatar, Dahlia Hawthorne, is from the Phoenix Wright series of games. She was Phoenix Wright's college sweetheart, and called him "Feenie" so when you changed you name and avatar I couldn't resist. NB: She was also pretty much the worst girlfriend ever

    Quote Originally Posted by Absol197 View Post
    That actually sounds very familiar! In my college house, if you had asked when we moved out, I'm pretty sure that everyone save one person would have said that they thought I was asexual (in different words, probably, but to the same effect). And the reasons were very similar to yours - I'm a pretty quiet person who prefers to listen, I don't like prolonged exposure to big crowds, and I was very subdued and introverted when it came to my sexuality, which created the illusion that I wasn't interested in anybody. An illusion I took no steps to break.

    Of course, a lot of it probably had something to do with my confusion about my sexuality, and the fact that my favorite pass-time was imagining and/or praying for fastastic ways in which I could find myself in a female body. Probably not something you're dealing with .
    Seriously Phee, why do you have all of my life experiences? I think my college roommates would have said the same thing, for much the same reasons.

    Also I'm glad we got through that punny period, the bad jokes were occurring with alarming frequency, and as they were both derivative and not integral to the content of the thread, nor particularly well Taylored to the foci of discussion, I saw no reason to continue, even if we were on a Rolle

    Last edited by Selpharia; 2012-10-14 at 10:56 PM.
    This Minase Iori avatar is a masterwork by Qwernt

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