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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: XCOM: One Does Not Simply "Shoot" a Cryssalid...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post

    Nope, Plasma is the best. At that point in the game, what you spend your money on is acquiring enough equipment to fully equip all of your units, at least one Firestorm with a higher-level weapon (EMP Canon, Plasma Canon, Fusion Canon) in every continent, SHIVs, and facilities (mostly workshops to make other stuff cheaper).

    But I'm like halfway through and I have a crack squad of colonels clad in titan armour and armed with plasma.

    Is there better than titan at least?
    Honestly I can't really be bothered with building firestorms, two interceptors a continent will serve me for now, and the resource requirement is steep.
    Are they really a necessity?

    Quote Originally Posted by king.com View Post
    Yea but you need to try and it just look at what the game throws at you. Its not simply the increase hit rates but the literal hordes of sectoids that come pouring out at you. Took me many attempts and a hell of a lot of save scumming and i managed to finish the first mission.......Yea Im going to go do a Classic Ironman instead.
    Sectoids aren't too bad y'know.
    Could be worse.
    Could be thin men.

    I'm not scared of Mutons, I'm not scared of cyberdiscs, and sectopods barely phase me.
    But those thin men man.
    Last edited by Opperhapsen; 2012-10-14 at 11:38 PM.