Quote Originally Posted by YakYak View Post
Right line. I was thinking of Wasea's line, seeing as she is actually fit to use biotics. Plus he said he was going for headshots.
I figured you were trying to quote the BG there since Morty was a Volus Adept.

Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf DW View Post
Good news: I got an M-77 Paladin!
Bad news: My Carnifex is better due to upgrades!
Good news: One more upgrade and that Paladin should be better than my Carnifex!
Bad news: I'm more likely to get more Carnifex upgrades before I ever get another Paladin upgrade!
I'm in the same boat - Paladin I vs. Carnifex 8. But both are gathering cobwebs thanks to my Arc Pistol and Scorpion anyway so I guess it's ultimately moot. (I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but Arc Pistol is the greatest sidearm of all time, all time.)

Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf DW View Post
*sigh* I would happily give up the volus classes for a real trading card system. I'd be more than happy to trade that Geth engineer for a Phoenix Vanguard.
Honestly? I badly wanted the Phoenix classes before I got them... but after getting them I'm pretty underwhelmed. The Slayer outclasses the Phoenix Vanguard in just about every way, and the vanilla human Adept can put out much more damage than his Phoenix counterpart.

I will say though that' it's really cool to watch a PV take on Dragoons, what with the biotic whips flashing everywhere. It's as cool as watching a Phantom and Shadow/Fury gracefully duking it out.