Quote Originally Posted by Kane0 View Post
Have tweaked the pre-req, added a little casting progression and clarified the Fear for the Fearless ability.

Please keep in mind that the casting progression is deliberately broad (I don't think I missed anything did I?) because I want this class to be as applicable as possible to as many character concepts as possible in game. Though giving 5 levels of casting might tip the balance a bit now, I'm considering dropping the HD to d6 to compensate.

The first issue I have is that your new addition to the class kind of makes it ineligible to be an entry. This is a Pathfinder only material contest and several of those things are 3.5 mechanics (if I've made an exception in a previous contest where I allowed something that was blatantly 3.P and didn't make a Pathfinder equivalent for a 3.5 mechanic/term/ability/etc. please let me know. That's not something I most likely thought out/knowingly did at the time and it wasn't my intention to set a precedent for such entries).

My second issue is the wording is just wonky. Maybe look at how that one PrC from 3.5's Weapons of Legacy was worded for an example.