I was confused/annoyed about that last point too DaedalusMkV - It seems to me almost like ti was originally part of the system, and then they changed it to a preorder bonus later because "You gotta have a preorder bonus!".

I say this as someone who DID p reorder and has the armor customization option.

That said, i don't mind Titan without a helmet. I had all my male soldiers wearing helmets until the last mission when I finally decided to give everyone a little more personality, being as it was portrayed as very likely a suicide mission. I liked them a lot better sans-helmets once I finally did it.

I'm kinda hoping some of the DLC adds more armor decoration options though* - there's no decoration option for Titan armor for one, and the color selection is kind of weak - 32 presets; many of which are very very similar.


I've also started - and now restarted - a Classic Ironman game. I had to restart because my second and third missions in a row were wipes >.< I noticed soldiers are 15 Credits each on Classic rather than 10 too >.< So I couldn't replace my losses.

My new plan is to be VERY liberal with grenades for the first few missions, and then build a SHIV ASAP and use that as my pointmachine. I figure if a SHIV dies, oh well; if a soldier dies, especially an experienced one... that's an issue ><

Not having that OTS starting out is a problem too ><

*For everyone, not just preorder holders.