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Thread: PTA: Wuhtu (IC)

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    Ettin in the Playground
    CosmicOccurence's Avatar

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    May 2012

    Default Re: PTA: Wuhtu (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by HZ514 View Post
    As you travel across the open road, you cross paths with a couple of trainers heading toward Wrystone. The boy has a Chatot on his shoulder and is riding a Stoutland, while the girl is holding a Togepi and riding a Rapidash. You pick up a snippet of their conversation as they pass you.

    "But seriously, the guy had it coming, working with Ostra."
    "Come on, Ben. They burned his house down!"
    "Well, you know what they say about karma..."

    A little ways down the road, you see a Deerling walk into an area of the trees. Following it, you walk into a little grazing ground for wild pokemon, with a small pond and plenty of berry bushes. The Deerling is nibbling on some berries near the pond, and has not been alerted to your presence yet.
    Leo approached the Deerling quietly, making little enough sound that the pokemon wouldn't know about his approach. He knelt beside it and started to collect some of the berries there to make a quick lunch his group.

    Don't let me forget to use pickup after this, I always forget.
    Using "Close Watch" 25m is the farthest you may move without alerting a Wild’s attention. You may approach a Wild Pokemon without alerting it to your presence, until you stop moving. The pokemon you approach is not instantly provoked but may be startled. You may attempt to befriend the Wild as long as you don’t provoke it.
    Last edited by CosmicOccurence; 2012-10-16 at 02:15 PM.
    Many thanks to Ceika for the wonderful avatar.

    Aatos My medieval pokemon setting.

    Games I'm in:

    Johto: Guardians of Legends as Julius Varro

    World at War (PTA) as Francis May

    GM of Exploring Aatos a Medieval PTA game.