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Thread: Speak language?

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Speak language?

    Quote Originally Posted by HunterColt22 View Post
    You are correct sir! Granted it's a benefit to be able to communicate effectively, but I doubt some of my characters would have gone through with it. Besides that, the after taste must be pretty odd after about a thousand years of tobacco and no washing.

    Some other good languages to learn are draconic and one of the elemental ones, for you never know when complimenting an elder Efeert on his burning prowess could save your life.
    Hooray! yeah, I can understand where you're coming from.

    hey, learning the elemental languages (auran, ignan, aquan, and terran) is also very useful if you're a summoner. elementals have pretty decent int scores, and can speak a language, so being able to give commands other than ones you could give in an RTS (stop, protect, flee, attack) could be very useful (hey rocky, use earth glide, go into the next room and feel if there are any baddies in the next room. come back and tell me what you learned) I put points into speak language for my first few levels (cloistered cleric ftw) to get those languages since I had no int bonus, and haven't regretted it since.

    as far as druidic goes, learn it from a blighter. that way no druids have to fall. blighters don't have druidic wiped from their minds by druidic men in black (though that would be a cool way to run druids, as an organized society of secret agent types) and they've already fallen, so they wouldn't care about teaching it to you
    Last edited by Venger; 2012-10-16 at 03:02 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by weckar View Post
    Venger, can you be my full-time memory aid please?
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