Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
Yes...and? I fail to see the issue here.
The issue here is freaking Resident Evil / Left 4 Dead / House of the Dead! Gosh darn Zombies! TIRED of these Mother Flying Zombies!

Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
No, it means we don't have actual magical trinkets.

I have no reason to post that; I just wanted to.

Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
I'm sure people back then would have been annoyed at cartoon ponies too (at least some of them). But if ponies actually existed and were trading unique and powerful items with the rest of the world, I'm pretty sure that nobody would want to be left out of that, so they'd get involved in some way even if they didn't really like the ponies. Therefore a doctrine like "the entire race and everything they make are creatures of evil!" wouldn't last long in the face of its members missing out on the cool magical doodads.
If you don't mind me so saying, the only things I saw the ponies trading in show were mainly food ad potions... I don't see the "unique and powerful items" thing. And even so, it seems like there'd sooner be a war to claim the items rather than just a trade, if you ask the pessimist in me anyway.

Plus, talking horses. Even if they didn't look MLP Style, we hardly accepted each other with different color skin; ponies not only have different color skin, but are also horses.