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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: [FwM] Bridle Shores 90210-Mlp without the Kiddy Thread XIII

    [Your comment confuses me, like I'm missing something, that is all.]

    "You're right sweet cheeks....it'll be the other way around...!"
    Her eyes opened up and flashed blue as her head wound cleared up its nastiness, bones snapping and ah popping while mending forelegs snaked around his neck to choke him out. On a random note, the bruises and cuts and the shiner she was maybe seen before, kinda still there, just smudgy. The blood carrying form her head initially carrying some of the...black eye with it...Whatever, who cares.

    Somewhere the Vamponies Lair


    "Do you even think that mare can stop them?" A vampony asked his lord who sat in his make shift throne, someone had an ego, looking a little haggard.

    "Not really...maybe she can kill one or two, maybe she could hurt them something good, make 'em real exhausted for if they get here, maybe she dies, whatever....either way, I still benefit."
    He waved a hoof dismissively. "Those bastards were some tough little gits if what Toad Stool reported was true with the first batch of trainees.." The stallion vampony lord coughed a bit and tried to stand. But his loyal servant urged him to sit back down.

    "My lord...I advise you to take these moments to recover.....You.. gave up a lot of your blood today....and with that last mare......You should have had somepony else to do it."

    "Don't be an idiot worry wart, Worry Wart, haha...anyways, I'm fine....I'll be nice and recovered, my blood will replenish itself in time.....and anyways...my blood's more potent which the mare will need."
    The vampony lord stood up anyway in defiance of Worry Wart. "I'm going to go get prepped either way....I'll be in my private quarters--"

    "Wait...sir...ah..before you go...we lost one of our scouts, the progeny of Zippity Do, who did not return from a delve in one of the passageways. She informed one of her other progenies who passed the note onto me about when she felt him die."

    "Tis a shame, I'll get her a summer cheese basket. But she, we must remained strong. I just felt the loss of many of my new children and a couple earlier, but one must recover and accept it."

    "It was her first ever progeny she lost."

    "Oh...well....I'll get her two summer cheese baskets, all better!"
    And the vampony lord left walking away with a slight limp wobble.

    "Oy vey..." Worry Wart faced hooved.
    Last edited by Benson; 2012-10-17 at 03:46 AM.