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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp 27: Of Shoes, and Ships, and Sealing Wax

    How do I keep falling so far behind in replying?

    Okay, first off, *hugs* for Kender, as she needs all the hope and luck she can get right now;
    Good wishes for Asta and his kitty - it sounds like he's fine, but we're wishing all the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Yes! It wa my big step from 'maybe gender queer' to 'definitely trans woman'. That body awareness of a body you don't currently have is nice. It leaving is my biggest source of dysphoria. I am lucky to already have a nice womanly body, thankfully. Just need to work on softness and curves~
    It's a funny feeling, but I like it. I, unfortunately, am not blessed like you. It's driving me mad!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    They took away archery due to cuts, so my second year of PE was fitness walking. I got an entire class period to do what I did on my breaks - walk around and talk to myself. Or my friend, who was also present.
    Ah, I would have liked to take archery! Not that I went to your school. And fitness...walking? Don't get me wrong, I do it all the time (in fact, my passtimes, both in school and nowadays, seems very similar to yours - walking around and talking to myself; it's not as crazy as it seems, honest!), but I wouldn't have imagined a school offering a class like that...

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Anyway! This came up.

    Is this for real? There are men here, so I'll ask. Is it honestly hard to avoid acting inappropriately in public? I had an instance like that once. I was 13, I thought about saying something inappropriate, realized people wouldn't react well, and chastised myself for almost losing my cool. I am supposed to be biologically male, I guess, so I must fall under the sample group for 'male brain development' right?

    Except maybe not. Maybe my not being ruled by my 'little brain' () is a sign of being less 'male' than otherwise?

    I'm now interested in looking at any science behind brain difference between men an women, including transwomen and cismen. I am unfortunately on a phone, and my monitor is kaput. And I need to wake up in 2 hours so should probably get to sleep... And honestly, I get more out of dialogue than reading articles and such. So does anyone here have information on said topic?
    I was going to try to give an explanation, but I realized that I'm technically in the same boat as you, and so can't give a "straight" answer () . However, as far as experiences go, I'm with Dice: None of the guys I know have had a lack of control that severe. I would say that the article is either greatly exaggerating, or it's talking about a much smaller subset of men than it lets on (so, exaggerating).

    Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
    CNN anchor throws American Family Association spokesman off show

    I haven't watched the video yet, but just from the context, I can say, "Yay!"

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    not at all. He technically didn't do anything wrong. The bare minimum of care was delivered, he had a legitimate reason to deny the splinting I requested, and told me to see an orthopedic surgeon. If I "misheard" and thought he meant after two weeks and not before, that's on me. And who would have thought I'd be one of the rare cases of a boxer's break that wouldn't heal properly?

    I'm very bitter about it. I explained I work with my hands, I need them more or less symmetrical, I'd like him to set the bone, and I woul prefer the X-rays come in and get looked at before they begin splinting. But none of that is necessary, and none of my requests had to be honored.
    That's horrible! I'm so sorry that had to happen to you. Is there ever any chance of you getting it fixed? Besides breaking it again (accidentally, I hope!)?

    Last edited by Absol197; 2012-10-17 at 07:30 AM.
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