Quote Originally Posted by AntiMatter101 View Post
Frellon returns the embrace, and follows Carolinus inside, savoring the joy that comes with family, reunited once again.

“The honor would be mine.”


It takes Frellon about another hour, record time his siblings would know, to finally realize what Carolinus had at his waist.

“Carolinus! You have a new Sword! It’s powerful, too! I can feel it from here, I thought it was the shield but it’s the sword, isn’t it! I’ve never seen anything like it! How’d you get that beauty?”

Carolinus smiled again. In the last few hours with Frellon he had smiled more than in the last few decades. He gazed at his brother with hidden fondness for his absent mindedness.

He stepped back from his brother, displaying both his arms. He lifts the shimmering black and bronze shield highest 'This is Black Buttress. I formed it myself, my first act having earned my Spark. The shadow is the foul beast I spoke of. The Bastard of the Titans. A great manshaped thing of shadow, not dissimilar to that which father battled upon our leaving. He enslaved tens of thousands, I will never know the exact number for I slew so many. They had no choice, and neither did I. I know that I saved 9,534 of them. It was his cruelty that saved me... Had he made it quick it would have been. But when he detected my weakness he wanted to bleed me... And he did. He was made foolish by his might, a lesson I have not forgotten.

He turned and displayed the power of his symbol. Black fire arced out into the crisp mountain air, shadowy tendrils slashed through solid rock. 'The Bastard was a thing created by father in part, a thing immortal beyond ourselves. It could not die, and lingered near the site of it's slaying. So instead I transformed it into something of better purpose. Even should it fall from my hand, Black Buttress can only be used in defence of the defenceless. One day the Beasts of Chaos will not held sway over the Disk and it will blaze with fire instead of dour shadow. I named it after the place of the Titans two deaths, the site of my greatest victory.'

Putting aside Black Buttress he drew forth the Sword of the Titans and allowed Frellon to examine the blade 'This is the Sword of the Titans. Truly it is beautiful, as much such a deadly thing is able. It is beautifully balanced too, you see yourself it's razor edge. I judge it equal to any sword I held in the White City, where perfection is thought and not earnt. He offered the hilt to Frellon 'You really have to try the weight and balance yourself.'

'It was given to me when peace was made between Markien and the First People and untold thousands spared. It is in-keeping with my experience of the Disk that this confused duality exists. My shield is the symbol of my greatest feat of arms, my sword is the symbol of my greatest act of peace.'