Quote Originally Posted by Selpharia View Post
I think it's more being frustrated that people see "allies" as having made some great sacrifice or commitment
People do? I don't even. I've not run into that kind of attitude before, aside from when they've discussed people who were murdered or maimed. Though I honestly can never remember any individuals' names in general aside from the big two of Milk and Shepard.

Quote Originally Posted by Selpharia View Post
when often their commitment is a purely passive one- not to engage in discrimination, rather than to be active agents of positive change.
Are allies even allowed to help in that capacity? I'd thought they were basically relegated away from active roles for logistical and ideological reasons, mostly pertaining to control of the movement's formal apparatuses and perceptions of direction. And people seem to always raise a stink whenever an ally tries to organize something beyond getting to the point where they can turn it over to someone else who has more legitimacy in the movement.

Quote Originally Posted by Selpharia View Post
For example that guy is some great "ambassador" because he lived a life for a year, when that can't possibly give understanding of the life-long experiences of people who are actually queer. And it adds insult to injury when he's rewarded far above people who have suffered and known much more.
Honestly that whole situation is bizarre to me, especially as it was first brought to my attention in a context where a particular subculture was eating it up. I hadn't actually seen any mainstream media reactions to him, but the consensus of the people I'd discussed it with either thought he was shamelessly self-serving or a surprisingly dedicated naive fool.