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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: XCOM: One Does Not Simply "Shoot" a Cryssalid...

    Battle Scanner is insanely good; throw it right and you'll spot and pick off spawns before they get a chance to do anything. Besides this, it cuts down on risk immensely by giving you clear forewarning of pending threats. Great in all environments; close quarters and wide open spaces. The only time I'd ever find Disabling Shot better is vs Sectopods, but I have Heavies (_lots_ of Heavies) and HEAT munitions for that, or when trying to capture. One of the IMO mandatory picks for Ironman Impossible (II). If you're rocking Assault, Battle Scanners are doubly important, allowing you to look before you leap.

    As for dealing with aliens in cover, mass heavies and suppression + explosives is my favourite option, or just plain good ol oversight camping. Follow up with squadsight snipers.

    My dream team which has worked exceedingly well in II thus far (currently have lasers + carapace) is 3 heavies, 2 squad sight snipers and 1 heal + suppression orientated support.

    Heavies straight up go for the left side of the tree. The only truly hard choice I've ever had to make on their advancement was Shredder vs Suppression. In the end, it's all about the cover destruction + guaranteed AoE damage + damage buff. Support I use as suppression where needed.

    Snipers are Squadsight (mandatory upgrade IMO), Gunslinger (DGG isn't all that useful/reliable by comparison until late game with Archangel armor when the aim bonus isn't so good; compensates for no Snap Shot), Battle Scanner. Plan to take Opportunist (obvious choice; Executioner is awful) & Double Tap (more reliable than In The Zone).

    Support is all left side excepting Covering Fire & Rifle Suppression.