Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
So... Obviously, this person:

is an idiot, and other things less pleasant. That is not something I'm disputing, or feel should be disputed.

But was anyone else bothered by this response to said idiot (specifically the 'male-bodied' bit, since the rest seems accurate enough):

Oh. Well I make sure to avoid comments sections. I always get ten times angrier after seeing a couple of comments.
My response to the former would be, "Cool, more victim-shaming. Now, step back a second, and use that human empathy thing I keep hearing about. How would you like it if you were raped, and then everybody refused to believe it or do anything about it?"
My (sarcastic, obviously) response to the latter poster would be, "And you are obviously one of those angry lesbian types." But I wouldn't actually say that (online, anyway; in real life I probably would) because it would just start more arguing and not get anywhere.