((, sorry for HUGE delay))

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

Southern Gate

"Bhwuhah wha?"
Squeaked Idle Chat as he stared dumbly at the black dust. "Bhwuh...what? Hauh?...I dunno...anymore!" Idle Chat fell to to his flank and brought his fore hooves to the sides of his head and looked upward at the sky.

"What's going oooooooon?"
He yelled hammily and dramatically to the sky with big 'ol round eyes of confusion.

Silent Snow then rushed out the guard booth with his spear floating above him. He gave Idle a bop on the head and pointed to him the cloaked ponies with the caravan.

He dry heaved. "Y-you...over there...halt...please and identify yourself...!"
"Uh..." She was just plain confused
"Why? Hello there! Finally found this town! we were ordered to come over here with this"
The caravan seems full of pipes, and their cloaks full of marks by weather and dirt, just like the caravan: it would seem like they came from somewhere far, maybe inside a wild area or something.
"Guess you wouldn't have a problem, would you?"

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
(I guess I'm butting into this scene.)
Who else that would be on the standby backup team than our two friends, Lemongrass and Tyrol. Ironically enough, the two was just about to head off for some unsolicited R&R (Lemongrass' idea, naturally) when the call came in.

"Ugh. Do we really have to? It's probably the rookies being spooked by some Diamond Dogs again."

"Lemongrass. Do you really want to risk The Captain's almighty wrath again? *cough* I don't think he's in a good mood after the bagel incident."

"...No. Let's go."
If they still did come out, they would find Luka going in the same direction, just differently: He's now inside a very shiny colt-sized tin can, and seems to move a bit too agile for an armor like that.

"There's the other colt.... Uh.."
"What's wrong?"
"Too much armor, what a coward...."