Quote Originally Posted by Socratov View Post
(although Asta and Celtic are the main culprits when it comes to tieing Lixie up and running around with her)
That doesn't stop us from enjoying the... fruits? of their entertainment as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
In other news, my mom smelled my nail polish the other day. She never uses it, though, so I was able to play dumb. That did make her a little... Twitchy, though (yesterday she smelled something that I couldn't and accused me of doing drugs, shortly before asking me if I was growing my nails out to be "a Dracula" (note that I've grown them out since I was in grade school, I just wasn't able to take good enough care of them to get them this long until somewhat recently)). o.O


A drug addicted Dracula! You horrible, horrible... good-looking monster, you.

Seriously though, hope your mom doesn't freak too much.