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Thread: Simple Q&A D&D 3.5 (by RAW) XXI

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Saint Paul, MN

    Default Re: Simple Q&A D&D 3.5 (by RAW) XXI

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Dahl View Post
    Q 1121

    From Sleep-spell:
    "Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). "

    How close do you have to be?
    A 1121

    I believe it's a safe assumption that you must be close enough to hit the creature you want to awaken with a mêlée attack – though of course you don't have to inflict any damage with this "attack." This follows both from the description of the Sleep spell, which states that "slapping or wounding" a sleeper ends the spell's effect, and from the fact that the success of the Aid Another action is determined by a simple mêlée attack that inflicts no damage.

    We can also offer the argument that the Sleep spell would never be very effective in combat if mere noise, such as a shout from 30 feet away, were sufficient to break the spell.

    The only difference between the ordinary use of the Aid Another action and the act of awakening a sleeping creature is that in the former case, you must generally be within reach of an enemy, whereas in the latter case, you must generally be within reach of a comrade.
    Last edited by Duke of Urrel; 2012-10-19 at 09:08 AM.