Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
I think that is Ms. Grandin's work.
It is. Saw her at a convention. There was another man there, I forgot his name. He's an influential member of Autism culture, which is why it's ticking me off that I forgot his name! Anyways, he called people with Asperger's Syndrome "Aspies", which is my go-to name for people diagnosed with AS now. I keep trying to get "Autsies" or "Auties" to work, but I always feel like I'm calling someone Australian.

I should found the country of Autstralia now.

I don't really have a name for normal people. I've tried "generic" and "neurotypical", but it never felt right. The best name just hit me though: John Does and Jane Does. Military terms never fit so right in my daily life.